


SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN has developed an enormous degree of experience in teaching. As a result, it has developed an educational model based on the use of the novel audiovisual and information technologies.

SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN covers the entire field of teaching. Its educational projects, have now placed the group at the forefront of academic leadership: TRINITY COLLEGE or the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID-CEES, direct attendance tutoring from school level to university education level, through to postgraduate degrees, the advanced segment of managerial training or the development of transversal courses, which are currently widely in demand.

SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN, as a global educational group, has in the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID-CEES a master stroke with which to prove its capacity for generating leading projects.

Designed and created by JULIO ANTONIO FIDALGO LOBO, CEO and General Manager since the group’s foundation and till 1997, SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN is an academic and managerial success without precedent.

Julio Antonio Fidalgo Lobo is currently Chief Executive Officer of SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN and presides over the ACADEMIC BOARD.


The UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID-CEES represents a style of university marked by the unanimous assumption that the maximum objective of ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE must be put into effect.

Reduced teaching groups thus allow our students not to become mere passive elements in their own training process, but rather incite them to play an active part in the task of connecting with the academic, cultural, social-political and professional world of the community they form a part of.


Developing the quantitative aspects of the finest academic training, is supplemented with the most qualified innovations and technological support, which allows our students to benefit from personalized, direct and permanent contact with professors and tutors, thus assuring that the great objective of ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE remains, every day, within reach of each and every student.

The true spirit of the UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID-CEES is captured by an academic community which contributes in a special way to the creation and transmission of science, technique and culture; right from the double perspective of teaching and research, always subjected to the unavoidable coordinates imposed on it by ethical and deontological behavior, inherent to human dignity, along with the unbribable critical judgment, as the essence of any university scholars task.

Competent, responsible academic training, wholly unattached to any vested interests, and notably sensitive to ethical behaviors, means a guarantee that our students shall, when their studies conclude, be in full possession of the competition and the necessary capacities with which to take the stage in their quest for social, cultural, managerial and professional leadership.