


TRINITY COLLEGE is a private, lay and independent center, not bound to any ideology or lobby group. Instead, its ownership is represented by one of the most important Educational Institutions in Spain. The school embraces all levels of non-university teaching, from Primary Education through to Second year baccalaureate, as per the new plans of studies.

The TRINITY COLLEGE educational project has, as its objective, the attainment of EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE. To do so, it has fused into a single educational system the best of Spanish teaching and the best of international education.

As we pass the gates of the 21st century, parents, children and educators alike, are living a series of social, cultural and technological transformations so deep that Educational Institutions are advised to move towards promoting a new concept of education.


TRINITY COLLEGE (initially founded as Liceo Serrano in 1959 by Dámaso Alonso) takes up the gauntlet of this challenge, with the concept of “International Education”, which is so called because, within its walls, not only are students taught one or two foreign languages (bilingual education option); they’re also imbued with a series of other essential formative values.

Society, this new century, will not only demand of our children the knowledge of the official Study Plans, but, also, the indispensable handling, at advanced user level of computer technologies, familiarization with audiovisual techniques, and overall interactivity between all these new elements.

But, if the whole of our children’s future were to concentrate solely in the domain of new technologies, cultural and personal impoverishment would also become an irreversible fact. That is why the TRINITY COLLEGE Educational Institution, in addition to creating a thorough impact basis where technical training is concerned, also defends a model of education based on a deep knowledge of the Humanities, ethical values and sports.


The Humanities have been and continue to be a cultural nucleus, the backbone to the western society in which we live. From them, derive the transcendental role Humanities plays in the functioning of TRINITY COLLEGE; an importance the Institution sees as undeniable heritage for all its pupils.

Ethical values represent, for an Institution such as ours, a fundamental pillar, inasmuch as we firmly believe that nobody can truly be called a person if the do not back their education and actions with such concepts as FREEDOM, PEACE, JUSTICE, SOLIDARITY and DIGNITY.

Sports comprise one of the basic complementary objectives at TRINITY COLLEGE. Sport is seen as stimulating not only physical and mental well-being, but also those essential values mentioned above.

Similarly, our educational project would not be complete if we were incapable of transmitting to our students ideas regarding the globalization of the world they live in, cultural diversity as a source of wealth for all, and a constant concern for the environment.

This group totality of educational aspects we call “International Education”. Together, they go infinitely beyond any Literature, Geography or Mathematics program. Indeed, they must be seen to impregnate each and every knowledge acquisition process undergone by our students, together shaping the ideals of TRINITY COLLEGE, where our sole purpose is to educate people (our students) and make them capable of, on the one hand, developing a high degree of theoretical and practical knowledge and, on the other, mastering foreign languages, computers and technological tools, without forgetting the unavoidable task of “learning how to think for themselves”, and graduating scholastically, with a grade average ample enough to allow for comfortable University entrance.