SEÑOR ESPAÑOL is a multimedia method for foreign students, directed at adults who, despite starting out at beginners’ level, aspire to achieve a practical mastery of our language and get to know our culture, in Spanish.

Thanks to its use of a variety of teaching methods and the most advanced in communications technologies (audiovisual material, forms, personalized tutorship, user friendly multimedia and interactive technology...), SEÑOR ESPAÑOL is a complete language learning method, because it has been developed around the most common conversational situations, allowing anyone to communicate with easy in any enviroment, work or social, SEÑOR ESPAÑOL assures that the student reaches a high and effective language level.

SEÑOR ESPAÑOL provides an INNOVATIVE and AVANT-GARDETEACHING METHODOLOGY, which makes use of all existing technical and technological resources and applies them to the world of education, resulting in, the highest-level TEACHING AND AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS:

  • 15 TEXT BOOKS which conveniently develop and expand upon the content of the three courses, with 5 MODULES / TEXT BOOKS per course.
  • 15 multimedia interactive CD-ROM's, with phonetics, conversation and complementary exercises, all providing for self-correction and evaluation.
  • Over 25 HOURS of VIDEOTAPE, also available in interactive DVD format.
  • 108 CHAPTERS or TELEVISION PROGRAMS, broken down into three 36 CHAPTER blocks, covering the three levels in Spanish language learning.
  • A permanent INTERNET link to the SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN website (www.senecaeducacion.com), where learning, with the constant support of tutors and professors, becomes a form of entertainment.

SEÑOR ESPAÑOL is broadcast on all the top educational television stations. You can first follow SEÑOR ESPAÑOL on television and, later on, complete and study the course using the teaching materials. The three LEVELS of SEÑOR ESPAÑOL include as teaching aids, the TELEVISION PROGRAMS (5 VHS VIDEOTAPES or DVD), 5 TEXT BOOKS for each LEVEL, and 5 interactive multimedia CD-ROM's per LEVEL.

The SEÑOR ESPAÑOL TEACHING AND AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL is the product of close COORDINATION among several work-teams, each comprised of highly qualified experts from various fields:

  • Our TEAM OF TUTORS works under the permanent guidance of the ACADEMIC BOARD of SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN - which brings together some of the most prestigious university professors, academicians and writers in the Spanish language, along with names of renown from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences - our tutors, in a team of 9 teachers, each holding a PhD from the top Spanish universities, and specialized in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, have set out all the linguistic structures in Spanish (verbal, functional and lexical) and organized them out in a series of progressive units, contained within each LEVEL,by means of a variety of different kinds of practical exercises.
  • AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION TEAM. 42 TV professionals, with extensive experience in the field of educational television, have transformed the linguistic contents into an easy to follow AUDIOVISUAL PROGRAM.
  • TEAM OF ACTORS AND PRESENTERS. Throughout the production, as many as 81 ACTORS have taken part in the different scenes created to represent real-life situations, bringing the language closer to daily practice levels, for any student of Spanish.
  • TEAM OF COMPUTER EXPERTS. 14 graphic artists have designed the VIRTUAL SETS where the communicational situations take place and where the teaching of the Spanish language gradually unfolds. 4 programmers animated BERTI, defining his movements, activity and participation throughout the entire course.

In addition, SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN offers students enrolled in the SEÑOR ESPAÑOL COURSES the VIRTUAL CAMPUS, via INTERNET, a teaching aid for this method and one which provides a high degree of teacher-student interactivity.

The VIRTUAL CAMPUS is made up of different elements, classified by teaching approaches, all of which meet the new demands of long distance education systems. The latest and most innovative technologies are applied, among which personalized tutoring (PERSONAL TUTOR) is one of the method's most solid pillars. These are some of the most important features available:

CYBERLAB. An interactive bulletin board for institutional academic intercommunication, bymeans of which the ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT at SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN keeps its students permanently informed, and up-to-date on the COURSES, and their development such as, for example: the scheduling of degree and level exams, student scores, courses in Brazil and in Spain requiring physical attendance, the awarding of certificates and diplomas, etc. Furthermore, students will be able to use this service to inform SÉNECA EDUCACIÓN’s ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT of any matter pertaining to any of these events.

ADDITIONAL TEACHING MATERIAL. Upgrading and contininualy adding new materials to SEÑOR ESPAÑOL constitutes one of the fundamental objectives of this teaching method. In this way, students are able to put into practice the knowledge already acquired in new and DIFFERENT talking contexts thus greatly enriching their overall learning process. The following are examples of ADDITIONAL MATERIAL provided:

  • ANSWER BOOKS for all those COURSE exercises which appear in other formats (TEXT BOOKS, CD-ROM) and where the correct answer has not been included.
  • NEW EXERCISES in the styles already developed elsewhere in the method, and which are distributed, based on their degree of difficulty throughout both the TEACHING UNITS and the MODULES.

SPECIMEN EXAMS (TEST-style, self-correcting), similar to those each student will have to pass before going on to a superior MODULE, within each learning level.

  • YOUR PERSONAL TUTOR. Each student registered in SEÑOR ESPAÑOL is assigned a PERSONAL TUTOR; an expert in the teaching of Spanish as foreign language and one whom the student may consult as often as he or she considers it necessary, for a better and more complete understanding of the course.
  • FORUMS AND CHAT ROOMS. Under the coordination of a specialized tutor, these forums and chat rooms offer students the opportunity to get to know and relate to each other,as well as the possibility of communicating in Spanish with other people with whom they might share interests or hobbies.

Overall, SEÑOR ESPAÑOL offers a new comprehensive teaching method which, thanks to the audiovisual material it provides, applies diverse teaching methods in conjunction with state-of-the-art communications technologies, making it a highly user-friendly interactive multimedia method.